Saturday, July 31, 2010

In-Nar tat-Torca jahraq lilek u l-Uliedek!

Kulhadd sema bil-kampanji tal-knisja fi snin sittin meta il-kelma sekularizzazjoni f'pajjizna kienet ghada ma dahlitx fid-dizzjunarju. Illum milli jidher ergajna sejrin lura ghall- dawk zminijiet suwed. Proset!

Friday, July 30, 2010


Gambetta ohra ghall-media tal-Partit Nazzjonalista hekk kif illum wara nofsinhar l-Avukat Generali Silvio Camilleri appella mid-decizjoni tal-qorti fejn sabet lil Piere Bartolo mhux hati ta' prattici korotti fl-elezzjoni Generali li ghaddiet.

L-impjegati Krystlee Bezzina u Anthony Zammit xhedu quddiem il-qorti li kienu gew irrikatati li jitilfu xogholhom jekk jitla l-Partit Laburista fil-gvern. Dan kollu hareg wara li deputat mexxej Laburista Dr Anglu Farrugia ghamel rapport lil kummisarju tal-Puluzija fejn ta provi cari dwar dawn il-kazijiet.

Pierre Bartolo huwa is-sid ta Pappilon Caterers li jhaddem mijaw numru sostanzjali ta persuni. B'dan l-appell l-Avukat Generali qijad jitlob li is-sentenza ta l-ewwel qorti tigi revokata u b'hekk tiddikjara li Pierre Bartolo ghamel uzu minn prattici korroti fl-elezzjoni generali ta l- 2008.

Dan kollhu jgiddeb lil media Nazzjonalista li tul dawn l-ahhar xhur ghamlu sensiela ta' attaki infondati fuq id-deputat mexxej Laburista Anglu Farrugia.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

33 Youth Organizations United ... We Want Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action BACK!!!

Thirty-three organisations have so far declared their support to an online petition calling on Parliamentarians and MEPS to seek to work together in working towards the reinstatement of the EU Educational Programmes, which were suspended earlier this month.

The organisations supporting the petition are engaged in various not-for-profit activities and represent the opinions and beliefs of Maltese young people. The following organisations have declared their support to date:

ASA (Arts Student Association),
BetaPsi – Psychology Students Association
Birzebbuga Local Council,
CommA - Communications students' organization,
DESA - Department of English Students’ Association,
Fondazzjoni IDEAT,
FZL - Forum Zaghzagh Laburisti,
Ghaxaq Local Council,
GHSK - Ghaqda Studenti tal-Kriminologija,
GHSL - L-Ghaqda Studenti tal-Ligi,
Greenhouse – Malta,
GWU Youths,
ICTSA – ICT Students Association
Insite - The Student Media Organisation,
Kite Factory,
Koperattiva Kummerc Gust,
KSJC – Kunsill Studenti Junior College,
Local Councils’ Association,
MMSA - Malta Medical Students' Association,
MOVE Progressive Students,
MUYA - Malta UNESCO Youth Association,
Qrendi Local Council,
Scout Association of Malta,
SDM – Studenti Demokristjani Maltin,
Sezzjoni Kunsilliera PL,
Tarxien Local Council,
The Insiter,
UMGS - University of Malta Geographical Society,
ZAK Malta,
Zminijietna – Lehen ix-Xellug.

This petition underlines the spirit of unity and solidarity currently present among organsiations. Other initiatives taken by eitheir individuals or organisations are also to be endorsed. Particularly worth mentioning is the initiative taken by KSU and KNZ where they are seeking to lobby the Commission for swift action to address the issue.
A copy of the petition will be presented to each member of Parliament before Wednesday's evening sitting.

The full text of the petition is as follows:
The undersigned appeal to the House of Parliament and to the Maltese Delegations in the European Parliament to guarantee the reinstatement of the Youth in Action & Life Long Learning Programmes as soon as possible for the benefit of all students, youths and organisations.

Funds entrusted by the Commission to EUPA were meant to be managed in a sound manner for the benefit of the ultimate beneficiaries - young people, youth NGOs, and students. This whole issue revolves around the sound administration of public funds, and no student, youth or organisation should be made to suffer. EUPA is also the people’s fiduciary, and should be made aware that due to mismanagement, hundreds of individuals now risk losing the opportunity of a lifetime.

We understand that intended beneficiaries of the funds may now have to face extra costs and burdens as a consequence of the Commission's actions. These have to be compensated in full.

This year, €4 million were entrusted by the Commission for the benefit of students, youth organisations and other NGOs alike. Money should not be lost due to EUPA failing to satisfy accountability standards.

We are pleased that an inquiry was launched into the issue and demand a thorough and speedy investigation to ensure that those responsible will be held accountable for their actions. Furthermore, we want to make sure that no approved projects are derailed, no available funds are lost and that the suspension on both programmes is removed as soon as possible.

We note with satisfaction that EUPA is committing itself to providing university students with clear answers as early as next week. However, we stress the importance that EUPA does not adopt a piecemeal approach in finding effective solutions to the issue. One solution could be that, until undergoing investigations are carried out, the Commission itself sets up a temporary procedure for students, youth organisations and NGOs to submit their applications.

We encourage all members of the House of Parliament and the Maltese delegations in the European Parliament to follow the spirit of unity among student organisations, youth organisations and NGOs, to address this problem effectively in the same spirit.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Inadequate Government Housing Policy

The Government apartments that are currently on the market are the same apartments that were on sale two years ago. These apartments did not sell, because in spite of the fact that they are housing apartments and are being sold by the government, the exorbitant prices asked for them meant that they remained unsold.

There is, in fact a 2600 person waiting list for housing assistance, but due to the fact that the majority of these families and persons cannot afford the prices being asked for these government apartments, the apartments remain unsold.