Friday, April 30, 2010
Taliban Extremists exist also in Malta
Below I am posting a comment by James Grima which was shown on This comment was posted on an article which highlighted Joseph Muscat's reactions on the cordial visit of Archbishop Cremona at the Labour Party Headquaters.I used to beleive that people like Mr Grima existed only in regime countries like Taliban but there are a couple of them in Malta too!
James Grima(1 hour, 11 minutes ago)
Le ghas sekularizmu, divorzju. Hbieb ma rridux ninsew li il motto ta pajjizna huwa "Patria, u Religjon", u ghalhekk ghandna nghidu le ghal PL. Bhal fis 60s meta ahna konna wara il Knisja Kattolika li kienet sfat atakkata mill forzi tas sekularizmu, illum ahna ninsabu maqudin warajha biex nghidu ghal dejjem LE ghal dan il partit li QATT ma kellu, u m'ghandu postu fis socjeta Kattolika, u konservattiva tradizjonalista Maltija
Gonzi has surely lost Control
OK so let we all grant the Prime Minister the right of not being interested in over viewing or at least seeing a million euro tender, the rest of the Maltese society is interested in seeing this contract, Can you please publish it! Unbelievably Gonzi's reply was that he has to ask permission from the Danish Company BWSC, ma jmorrux ibamblulu xi multa ta 40,000 ewro kif ftijhem mahom! Who is the Maltese electorate voting for? Are we voting for BWSC? or are we voting to elect our representitives in government? GONZI has the duty to publish this contract, it is in the interest of tax payers to see where their money is going and BWSC has no right to be consulted before!
What a wacko party! What a wacko government!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
28th April - Jum Zghazagh Laburisti
Today the Labour Party celebrates Labour Youth Day, a day which is associated with the anniversary of 29th April 1958. During this day many workers and Labour supporters together with the GWU protested in various localities around Malta against the British Imperial rule.
During those days Maltese workers were humiliated when their jobs, especially those at our shipyards were being downsized leaving a lot of Maltese families without a proper income. During that year the Labour government resigned from office and made the 'Break with Britain Resolution' where the option for integration with the United Kingdom was put down once and for all. Now the the Malta Labour Party began the fight for full and complete independence from the British Empire.
Protests on this day were held mainly in the Southern area of Malta especially in Paola, Zabbar and Tarxien. Maltese demonstrators were beaten by British soldiers, many demonstrators were arrested from months, amongst them Agatha Barbara, a former Labour Minister and President emeritus of the Republic of Malta.
The youth were the protagonists of this fight for freedom, this can be clearly seen by hundredths of teens arrested and beaten up by the police on this day.
One has to note that furthur repercussions from these demonstrations resulted in the first tensions between the Catholic Church and the Labour Party. This was the results on comments made by the Archbishop Gonzi who condemned the GWU protest.
This was another chapter of the glorious past of the Labour Party, a chapter which each and everyone of us has to remember, these protesters who had the courage to go out and show their anger at the British rule suffered a lot, they suffered hunger in their prison cells, continuous beatings, hours of interrogations and also some of them even lost their jobs! Let us all remember and recall our history it will give us the courage to look forward for a better future!
Monday, April 26, 2010
V for Vomit
The results of a 23 year old conservative rule are showing its signs with everyday that passes by. After the Luqa monument saga now another scandal has hit our sacred islands the V for Virgin Mary!
Petitions are being circulated to remove the word Virgin Mary from an artistic public convenience in Valletta. This great controversy has came about because other V words like Virile, Vagina and VALLETTA are also depicted on the walls of this work of art.
Please let us all grow up, Malta is not the V for the Vatican State, if the petitioners are feeling offended please find another public convenience and let others be!
Malta has remained stuck up in dark ages by these incidents, it time to grow up and let our artists express themselves in a free way.
Well done for the Valletta Local Council for this initiative and also for the architect and visual designer for this work of art. Malta needs much more of these public attractions!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Solidarity with Bianca Zammit
Yesterday Bianca Zammit a pro-Palestinian activist was shot in the leg during a protest held at Gaza. The protest was set up to stop the blockade of Gaza. In the same incident two other Palestinians were also injured during this peaceful protest.
Today at Paola Joseph Muscat showed his solidarity with Bianca Zammit and asked the Foreign office to investigated with Israeli authorities about this incident.
As a Maltese nation we must show solidarity with Bianca during this difficult moment, we must be also proud of her determination and courage to change things for the better in this troubled zone.
Bianca and other peace activists, although they are sometimes criticized as living in a utopia and as fighting a lost battle are truly fighting for something that they really believe in. Unfortunately today we are living in a society with a passive attitude where everyone grumbles all the time but never takes action. Bianca and other peace activist have surely done the contrary.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Solidarity at its Best
Cancer has no age, no sex, no limits and it can struck at all times, Puttinu Cares is investing in our future and in those who are closest to our hearts. It is our duty to help them in this just cause.
Life is so precious to each and everyone of use, but when cancer hits, it is something natural to feel yourself abandoned and helpless, Puttinu is offering a helping hand to thousands of Maltese children and their families to continue with their fight to live and hope for a better future.
During the past 6 years that this annual marathon has been organized thousand of euros have been garnered for this noble cause, thousand of euros have been invested in Sutton UK, to buy apartments for children using the services of Marsden Hospital, thousands of euros each year are also spent to hire a number of flats near the hospital to accommodate sick children and their families. Let us all be generous during these hard times, everyone is able to give something from what he has to help make the dream of this noble organization come to reality.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Crime on Campus - GHSK
This study showed that 69 per cent of the respondents believe that crime on campus is a reality while 12.8 per cent of the respondents stated that they had been victims of crime. The main crimes perceived to be mostly present on campus resulted in theft especially theft from cars followed by vandalism. Other offences included plagiarism, drug-use and sexual harassment.
In this study interesting interviews were conducted with Superintendent Paul Caruana on behalf of the Malta Police Force, Mr. Karl Agius and Mr. Andrea Pace on behalf of the KSU, the UOM security department and a very concerning interview with a university alumni who ten years ago ended up as a victim of harassment.
Times of Malta report
A sexual harassment campaign should be set up at the University were four per cent of students listed that it was one of the crimes present on campus.
The campaign should also be backed up with awareness about the availability of services for abuse victims, according to the Criminology Student’s Association first crime-on-campus survey.
Criminology students Abigail Cremona and Kayleigh Williams explained that as part of the research they interviewed a victim of harassment who told them about how her tutor had asked her to remove her top to demonstrate aspects of anatomy.
The tutor also touched her but she did not file a report since she feared being labelled a liar or being expelled.
The students presented their finding and recommendations this morning during a Criminology national conference organised by the Malta Criminology Association.
According to the student research, 69 per cent of students believed that crime on campus was a reality while the rest believed it was a myth. 12.8 per cent said they had been victims of crime with the main crimes perceived as present were theft followed by vandalism. Other offences included plagiarism, drug-use and sexual harassment,
47 per cent of students believed campus was a safe place while 31 per cent were not sure. As forms of combating crime they recommended: improving security guard presence and CCTVs, having more lockers in the library and educating victims on prevention.
The study concluded that there was a need for more awareness among students on matters including plagiarism, sexual harassment and drugs.
Completely Unacceptable
So the government has enough money to build an a roofless theater, to give enormous amounts of money on commissions, to make extravagant celebrations on the opening of a new open space in Valletta, and not enough money to build a home for these 39 abused children! This is shocking and utterly insensible!
Prompt action has to be taken by government officials because these 39 children have suffered enough! Let us not be passive and close our eyes against these great injustices that are happening in front of our eyes!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
1st Of May Celebrations
Citizens from the southern area have been treated as second class citizens for a long time now and some action must be taken by the government to reduce pollution from this area. Environmental assessments reports have continuously shown that these residents are facing continuous health problems because of the heavy pollution in the area.
The situation with the power station extension will continue to degraded the health situation for these residents especially now that it has been confirmed that impact assessments of pollution by the new power station have not been done in the proper way. Citizens from the Southern area of Malta have become the Guinea pigs of this new technology that is going to be tested on Maltese soil.
These Celebrations will kick with a live concert and Joseph Muscat will be addressing those present at De Paul Square (Paola).
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Bondi + PN
If we want to recall dark days from our history lets get our facts right and do so in an impartial way especially if you are broadcasting your Bondi+ issue on the National television station!
Monday, April 19, 2010
A prayer to San Ixelu
Irregularities in BWSC tender - Auditor General
After amending Environmental laws, the Government has granted the power station tender to the Danish company BWSC. A number of clauses in the contract definitely showed irregularities in the government's officials behavior. In the same contract the government accept that he would bind himself with astronomical penalties if MEPA, an independent authority from the government would not issue the necessary permits in due time. The government also bound himself with a another huge penalty if he would step back from the agreement reached with BWSC. The Auditor General also saw something fishy in the way that the tender was awarded when it was done in total secrecy from the media's eyes. Another damning thing about this whole issue was that the other interested parties did not appeal from the tender's award because they were unaware that the same tender was awarded to BWSC.
The Auditor also said that interested parties did not cooperate during the investigations process, including the mastermind behind this plan Joe Mizzi who received thousands as commission from abusing of his position in Enemalta.
Environmental impact assessments were also not agreed beforehand when this huge tender was granted to the Danish company.
According to the Auditor General Alex Tranter should have resigned long time ago! At the same time that Joseph Muscat was addressing a press conference about the same issue the Government issued a press release saying that there was no proof of Corruption in the awarding of this Tender! Unbelievable, the Maltese citizens are going to pay for Government's irregularities both financially and also health wise!
Chim Chimeney
The Maltese Government is still treating the Maltese citizens as second class citizens within the EU and this had become far from acceptable.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Government workers giving a face lift to a petrol station owned by a PN Councilor
Pope meets Child Abuse Victims
For the first time Pope Benedict meet Child abuse victims at the Seminarju Tal-Virtu'. This was a great step that the Holy Father made and the best thing that came out of it was that it was not done just for the sake of getting some positive PR. Media was not aware of the same meeting from the begining so that the identity of these victims would be protected.
This meeting opens a new chapter for the Church, both in Malta and also around the world,prompt action must be taken from ecclesiastical authorities in creating a system where cases of child abuse are directly sent for police investigation and not covered up to hide the shame that they carry with them. Abuse victims have suffered in silence long enough. It's time that they get their dignity back!
The Pope with this Intense meeting showed us that there is nothing wrong for one to recognize his mistakes and work for a better future with a cleaner and more transparent church!
CONFIRMED: PN has a Mega sense of Humor!
An interview with Albert Gauci Cunningham - LGBT Labour
L-istess drittijiet, xejn iktar xejn
Jekk tistaqsi mitt persuna, probabbli kollha jghidu li huma kontra l-omofobija. Hadd ma jaqbel li persuna jista’ jiddiskrimina ma’ xi hadd minhabba s-sesswalità tieghu. Izda ghalkemm dawn l-affarijiet jistghu jinstemghu bazici, mhumiex daqstant fil-pajjiz Ewropew ta’ Malta. Dwar dan is-suggett, RANDOLPH DE BATTISTA tkellem ma’ ALBERT GAUCI CUNNINGHAM mill-fergha l-gdida tal-PL, LGBT Labour. Fl-intervista, Gauci Cunningham jiddikjara li l-persuni gay jippretendu l-istess drittijiet daqs min hu eterosesswali, xejn iktar u xejn inqas. Kellu kliem iebes ukoll ghal dawk il-politici li filghodu jivvutaw kontra l-interessi tal-gays, u filghaxija jixorbu maghhom. Jiddikjara li kieku hu jivvota kontra l-gays, ma jersaqx daqs mitt metru vicin ta’ gay bar.
Fil-bidu jispjega li din kienet inizjattiva tal-Forum Zghazagh Laburisti, flimkien mal-mexxej tal-PL, Dr Joseph Muscat. Gauci Cunningham jispjega x-xoghol li ghaddejja bih din il-fergha l-gdida fi hdan il-PL, filwaqt li jghid li dawn il-ferghat huma komuni fil-partiti socjalisti fl-Ewropa.
“Din l-inizjattiva ma holomx biha Joseph Muscat biex jigbor erba’ voti tal-komunità gay f’Malta.” Huwa semma’ li jezistu diversi ferghat fi hdan partiti socjalisti madwar l-Ewropa, fosthom fl-Ingilterra, Spanja, l-Izvezja u Franza.
“L-LGBT Labour mhix il-vuci tal-PL mal-komunità gay, izda l-vuci tal-komunità gay fil-PL. Jekk il-PL ma jaqbilx ma’ xi proposta, ahna mhux se nohorgu nikkonvincu lin-nies gay li dik mhix proposta tajba. Izda rridu naraw li l-messagg tal-persuni gay jasal ghand il-PL kollu kemm hu, kif inhu, u li jkun hawn vizibbiltà cara tal-komunià omosesswali fil-PL.”
Hawnhekk jaghmel referenza ghal dak li qal Dr Joseph Chetcuti, l-awtur ta’ “Queer Mediterranean Memories”, fejn fahhar din l-inizjattiva, u qal li jekk xejn, din tkompli tkabbar il-vizibbiltà tan-nies gay.
Staqsejtu jekk hux se jkunu fergha cliché u vagi minhabba li huma parti minn partit, jew inkella bi hsiebhom jidhlu fil-kwistjonijiet jaharqu.
“Jekk inti temmen f’xi haga ma tistax tkun vag fuqha. Din il-fergha se tkun success, kemm in-nies gay iriduha tkun success. Jekk il-komunità gay, fil-maggor parti taghha thoss li m’ghandhomx bzonn drittijiet ugwali, jew li lahqu l-livell ta’ ugwaljanza, jew li m’ghandhomx bzonn struttura li tiddefendi l-interessi tal-persuni gay, allura ma jkunx hawn lok, la ghal-LGBT Labour u lanqas ghall-MGRM.”
“Sfortunatament f’Malta hawn it-tendenza li kulhadd irid jaghmel kollox u hadd ma jrid jaghmel xejn. Kulhadd igerger ghax il-kontijiet gholjin u mbaghad issir protesta u ssib min jibqa’ d-dar ghaliex jibza’ jidher. Anke fuq l-interessi tal-gays, inhoss li ghalkemm l-issue qeghda hemm, ma narax li hemm bizzejjed sforz ghaliha. Mhux facli ssib in-nies li lesti johorgu u jitkellmu fil-pubbliku.”
Pressjoni fuq il-politici
Kont pront nistaqsih, “Ma stajtux tifthu ghaqda li tkun indipendenti, u mhux fergha ta’ partit?” “Ma naqbel assolutament xejn. Sakemm id-decizjonijiet fuq l-omosesswali jiehduhom il-politici, u mhux Cikku l-Poplu, allura rridu naghmlu l-lobby taghna mal-politici u nzommu lilhom responsabbli. Ma nistghux nibqghu sejrin f’sitwazzjoni li kull fejn hemm kwistjoni li tolqot lill-gvern, noqghodu nghidu li m’ghandniex indahhlu l-politika.”
“Ghax hekk sejrin f’dal-pajjiz. Jekk jinqata’ d-dawl jghidulna ma ndahhlux politika, l-istess fuq kwistjonijiet ambjentali u tal-MEPA. Fuq l-interessi tan-nies omosesswali wkoll jghidu l-istess haga, imma jien nghid li iva l-politika tidhol sakemm il-gvern u l-partiti jiddeciedu li jiehdu l-pozizzjoni cara taghhom.”
“Ahna mhux qeghdin hawn biex malli jizloq xi zelqa deputat tal-PN, immorru nigru halli nohorgu stqarrija, u mbaghad jekk jigri l-istess mill-PL, noqghodu ngibu l-iskuzi. Il-hazin huwa dejjem hazin.”
Hawnhekk spjega li bhalissa qed ihejju manwal li ghandu jispjega dak li l-fergha temmen fih.
X’inhi l-ikbar kwistjoni li LGBT Labour se tahdem fuqha?
Dikjarazzjoni cara kontra l-omofobija
“L-ikbar kwistjoni hija d-diskriminazzjoni. F’dan il-pajjiz, kull mexxej ta’ partit, ghaqda jew istituzzjoni influwenti jrid jiehu pozizzjoni cara u jghid li huwa kontra l-omofobija. Li toqghod iddur maghha jew li tghid li hija ovvja mhix accettabbli. Le mhix ovvja.”
“S’issa fl-istorja politika moderna ta’ dan il-pajjiz, l-ewwel mexxej li ghamilha cara kristall fil-pubbliku minghajr tidwir, li min hu omofobiku m’ghandux postu fil-partit li qed imexxi, kien Joseph Muscat.”
“Issa r-reazzjoni naturali ta’ certu nies kienet li din hija ovvja, u ghall-ewwel anke jien kont se nghidha. Imma tant mhix ovvja, li l-PN qatt ma qalha din. Sfortunatament, ghalkemm il-Knisja wkoll hija kontra l-omofobija, qatt ma qatghet linja cara u qalet li min hu omofobiku ma jistax ikun parti mill-Knisja. Skuzi, jekk fratell jew xi hadd li jgorr il-vara tal-festa, biex ma nsemmix qassisin, huwa omofobiku, jew qed ixerred mibgheda abbazi ta’ sesswalità, ma jistax jfforma parti mill-Knisja.”
“Il-PL, dik il-pozizzjoni digà hadha, u l-LGBT Labour kuntent hafna li ttiehdet din il-pozizzjoni. Issa nistennew li haddiehor jaghmel l-istess. Imma din il-pozizzjoni trid tkun inekwivoka, u mhux tintqal bejn erba’ hitan, ghax il-politici ghandhom habta ma jirrepetux fil-pubbliku, dak li jkunu qalu fil-maghluq.”
Koabitazzjoni minghajr divorzju
Jekk hemm kwistjoni li se tolqot lill-persuni omosesswali hija dik tal-koabitazzjoni. Dwar din Gauci Cunningham jemfasizza li m’ghandniex inharsu lejha bhala s-soluzzjoni ghall-persuni omosesswali.
“Din il-ligi giet imweghda mill-PN hafna snin ilu issa. Tista’ thares lejha minn diversi bnadi u ma tistax tiddiskutiha wahedha. Jekk tidhol din il-ligi, se tidhol f’pajjiz fejn id-divorzju ma jezistix. Mela l-koabitazzjoni f’dan ix-xenarju tista’ tahdem kontra dak li l-gvern tallum dejjem ippriedka dwaru, jigifieri l-familja bhala c-centru tal-politika.”
“Ghax jekk se ddahhal il-koabitazzjoni f’pajjiz fejn m’hawnx divorzju, allura lin-nies qisek qed tghidilhom li akkost ta’ kollox minix se ntikom id-dritt li tergghu tizzewgu, imma se ntikom id-dritt li tghixu flimkien, kwazi ta’ mizzewgin. Dan jista’ jwassal biex specjalment dawk li ma jemmnux f’relazzjonijiet twal, imorru ghall-koabitazzjoni ghax jaqbillhom iktar. Dan narah li jmur kontra t-taghlim tal-PN stess.”
“Ha naghmilha cara, il-ligi tal-koabitazzjoni mhix is-soluzzjoni ghall-persuni omosesswali. Ghax jekk se jkollna l-koabitazzjoni biss, allura qed nizvalutaw ir-relazzjoni bejn koppji tal-istess sess, u nkunu qed nirriducuha ghar-relazzjoni li ghandhom zewg ahwa li jghixu flimkien. Hawn irrid nghid li jekk tidhol dil-ligi se nkunu mxejna pass ‘il quddiem, imma jien nghid, imbasta ma ssirx a skapitu tal-valur vera tar-relazzjoni bejn tnejn min-nies gay.
Ghaddejt ghaz-zwieg bejn koppji tal-istess sess jew inkella civil partnership u hawnhekk bilkemm ma qlibniex l-irwoli u spicca jistaqsini mistoqsija hu dwar x’differenza nara bejn it-tnejn. Izda kelli l-iskuza lesta li jien qieghed hemm biex nistaqsi. Jghid li l-persuni gay iridu drittijiet daqs iehor. Xejn iktar u xejn inqas.
“Anke jekk ahna rridu drittijiet daqs haddiehor, jiena ma nara l-ebda problema li taghna ssejjahlu partnership, u tal-eterosesswali ssejjahlu zwieg. Dejjem ahjar minn issa zgur, sakemm il-pass li naghmlu llum ikun il-pass biex ghada s-socjetà tivvaluta r-relazzjoni tieghi daqs ir-relazzjoni tal-eterosesswali.”
Ghazla bejn iz-zewg partiti
Apparti l-LGBT Labour, f’pajjizna jezistu ghaqdiet ohrajn, bhall-MGRM u anke DRACHMA. X’inhi r-relazzjoni ma’ dawn l-ghaqdiet? “Jien nghid li wara kollox kollha kemm ahna gay u qed niggieldu ghall-istess interessi. Filfatt ahna wkoll membri tal-MGRM. Però forsi d-differenza hija li ahna la tasal elezzjoni generali se niehdu pozizzjoni cara.”
“X’tip ta’ pozizzjoni?” staqsejtu. “Jekk inti trid tivvota fuq it-triq, fuq il-bozza, fuq l-ekonomija jew fuq liema mexxej jigbdek l-iktar, ghandek ghazla lil min tivvota. Imma jekk id-drittijiet tal-gays huma l-priorità tieghek u jekk se tivvota fuq l-interessi tan-nies gay, allura ivvota lill-Partit Laburista. Minix nghid li jekk int gay, bilfors trid tivvota lill-PL, imma jekk se tivvota fuq id-drittijiet tal-gays, allura ghandek taghti cans lill-PL.”
Semmejtlu l-kritika ta’ whud li jghidu li permezz ta’ ferghat bhal dawn, iktar qed titfa’ stigma u tikklassifika lin-nies gay. Izda jghid li dan l-argument ma jregix.
“Min ghamel din il-kritika? Zgur li m’ghamluhiex in-nies gay. Jien nahseb li l-lezzjonijiet irridu niehduhom minn pajjizi li ghandhom dawn l-istrutturi simili fil-partiti politici taghhom, u waslu hafna iktar milli wasalna ahna. Ahna rridu nitqabblu mal-kumplament tal-pajjizi Ewropej.”
“Fuq livell politiku, allura jien nistaqsi, l-ghaqdiet tan-nisa fi hdan il-partiti politici qatghu lin-nisa ghalihom fis-socjetà? L-ghaqdiet taz-zghazagh qeghdin jitfghu stigma u jikklassifikaw liz-zghazagh mill-bqija tas-socjetà? Ma nahsibx, allura nghid li huwa argument li ma jregix. Lil dawn in-nies jien nghidilhom ifittxu fuq dawn l-istrutturi fl-Ewropa u jaraw fejn waslu dawk il-pajjizi u fejn wasalna ahna.”
Meta tara l-progress ta’ pajjizna mqabbel mal-kumplament tal-Ewropa, tahseb li ahna Ewropej bizzejjed?
“Hafna nies gay ivvotaw favur l-UE u ghamlu dan ghax ippretendew li galadarba nidhlu, se jkollna l-istess drittijiet bhal ma jezistu fil-pajjizi Ewropej. Ovvjament kemm ahna Ewropej, mhux se nkejjluha biss fuq l-issues tal-gays. Imma jien nghid li wahda mill-modi biex inkejjlu kemm inhaddnu l-valuri Ewropej hija minn kemm niggieldu ghall-ugwaljanza fil-pajjiz.”
“F’Malta, kemm ilna li dhalna fl-UE, kemm imxejna ‘l quddiem? Kemm rajna tibdiliet u pozizzjonijiet cari mill-gvern biex jara li, jekk xejn, id-diskriminazzjoni tigi miggielda? Jiddispjacini li ma sar xejn. F’pajjizi ohra, kien hemm oppozizzjoni b’sahhitha ghal tibdil bhal dan, u m’ghandix dubju li l-istess se jkun hawn f’Malta.”
“Imma ghallinqas illum il-gurnata dawn il-pajjizi waslu. Ahna ma rridux ugwaljanza ta’ fuq il-karta. Jekk irridu naslu xi darba, rridu nibdew billi niehdu pozizzjoni cara kontra kull tip ta’ diskriminazzjoni u billi ndahhlu legizlazzjoni li permezz taghha ngibu lill-persuni omosesswali daqs min hu eterosesswali.”
Fuq nota aktar umoristika hawnhekk stqarr li l-persuni omosesswali m’ghandux ikollhom aktar drittijiet mill-eterosesswali, ghaliex imbaghad nispiccaw b’xi fergha ohra, “Heterosexual Labour”. “Izda xi haga inqas mid-drittijiet tal-eterosesswali jkun disservizz ghall-ghajta tal-ugwaljanza.”
Problema jew marda
Sfortunatament fl-2010 ghad ghandna persuni, u sahansitra politici li jemmnu li persuna gay huwa marid, jew ghandu problema. Staqsejtu r-reazzjoni tieghu ghal dawn id-dikjarazzjonijiet.
“Kulhadd ghandu dritt ghall-opinjoni tieghu imma ppermettuli nistaqsi minn fejn gabuha din? Jien nghid li gabuha minn snin twal ta’ pregudizzju, anke sfortunatament mill-forzi religjuzi. Hawn ma rridx nohloq argument mal-Knisja.”
“Imma fil-passat kien hemm sitwazzjonijiet fejn omm tiehu lit-tifel taghha ghand qassis, biex ‘ifejjaqulha’ ghax huwa gay. Jew aghar minn hekk, ghand psikjatra biex jibdilu t-terapija riparattiva. Allura mhux bilfors in-nies jahsbu li ghandu marda?”
“Jiddispjacini nghid li hawn hafna nies, li minghajr ma jafu, jghidu certi affarijiet li jweggghu. Kull min jghid li hija problema jew marda, qieghed iwegga’ l-emozzjonijiet tal-persuni omosesswali, u juri li mhux informat. Kellu bzonn li kull marda thalli l-gid, is-sabih u l-kreattività li hallew in-nies omosesswali fid-dinja f’dawn is-snin kollha. Ghax sfortunatament il-mard biki u dwejjaq igib.”
Il-voti kontra u l-gay bars
Kellu kliem iebes ukoll ghal dawk il-politici li jivvotaw kontra l-interessi tal-gay, anke jekk huma stess ikunu jixorbu maghhom filghaxija.
“Jekk politiku qieghed f’familja politika li dejjem jivvotaw kontra l-gays, bhal m’huma l-partiti tal-Lemin, allura ma tantx se nehodha bi kbira. Jien nifhem li politiku jrid jimxi mat-twemmin tal-partit tieghu.”
“Izda ma naccetta qatt lil min jivvota kontra l-gays filghodu, u mbaghad jissocjalizza maghhom u jtaptpilhom fuq dahrom filghaxija. Jekk inti ma taqbilx mad-drittijiet tal-gays, ghandek kull dritt. Imma mbaghad m’ghandekx dritt taghmel il-hajja tieghek pubblika, diehel u hiereg fil-gay bars, imbaghad tivvota kontra l-interessi tieghi.”
“Dik tista’ biss tissejjah gakbinizmu, jew biex taghmel hekk trid tkun kodard jew minghajr sinsla. Kieku jien nivvota kontra l-interessi tal-gays, lanqas immur daqs mitt metru vicin ta’ gay bar, ghax lanqas itini wicci.”
Min-naha l-ohra sahaq mieghi ukoll li jippretendi li l-politici min-naha tax-Xellug, jivvotaw kontinwament favur l-interessi tal-komunità gay.
Fl-ahharnett tlabtu jispjegali kif persuna gay ihares lejn l-istat u l-gvern, meta dan ma jaghtix kas tal-interessi tieghu. Thoss ‘sense of belonging’ fl-istat?
“Fl-ebda policy tal-gvern ma jinghataw importanza l-interessi tal-persuni omosesswali. Anzi l-linja ta’ hsieb tal-PN dejjem kienet li jekk persuna jiddikjara pubblikament li huwa gay, allura ghandu problema. Skuzi mhux vera.”
“Illum il-gurnata dawn l-issues tfajnihom taht it-tapit biex taparsi ma jidhrux. Billi tinjora s-sitwazzjoni mhux se tghin lil nies omosesswali. Tghinhom biss billi taqbad il-barri minn qrunu bhal m’ghamlu pajjizi ohra, nammettu li ghad irridu nimxu, u mbaghad naslu biex kull policy tal-gvern illum u ghada se tinkludi l-interessi taghhom.”
L-ahhar kliem tieghu kienu, “ejja naslu f’sitwazzjoni fejn ma jkunx hemm bzonn iktar l-LGBT Labour.”
Source: KULHADD the Sunday Newspaper
Floriana on this special day experienced another power-cut
Saturday, April 17, 2010
UK Labour Party's Manifesto
The Luqa Monument Saga
When are we going to begin to appreciate art and the freedom of artists who have been struggling to express themselves freely for ages! This monument despite all of its connotations has become a symbol of the struggle against a medieval mentality of a couple of people who have been relentless to try to set up another Vatican State in the middle of the Mediterranean.Let us grow up as a nation, with such incidents we are becoming the laughing stock of Europe!
Apart from this 'Cover the willy' incident I have really enjoyed watching the celebrations which were organized. Well done for the organization committee of these events and to all the people who are participating and giving a warm welcome to our Holy Father!
Manuel Dimech... a Man ahead of his time
Yesterday officials from the Labour party laid their respect on the Monument of Manuel Dimech in Valletta (in front of Castille palace).
Manuel Dimech had a great vision for the Maltese society, he was ahead of his time in the way he wanted to break down the mediocre mentality that reigned ad infinitum on our island. Dimech wanted a secularized state, something which in those years was unthinkable, he wanted an independent nation capable of taking care of its own affairs, Dimech was surely a true patriot!
Malta welcomes the Pope... and the newly resurfaced roads
Today Malta would be giving its utmost to give the best welcome to the Roman Catholic Leader. This journey would be surely marked by the continuous accusations that the Church is facing about child abuse by its preachers. The pope must take the opportunity next Sunday at the pontifical mass on the Granaries to ask forgives on behalf of the Church for all the suffering that the abused children have suffered along the years. This would surely be appreciated by all the victims who for all these years have suffered in silence.
Apart from that the Maltese Curia must take a more inclusive stand regarding the new realities that our society is facing. It is an insult to the intelligence of the Maltese society as a whole to claim that de facto separated MP's are not welcome with their partners for the pontifical mass because if they were invited it would have meant that the Church is giving consent to the extra marital affair issues! These small but very meaningful gestures are doing no good for the Church's Reputation.