For something to remain alive and grow with time change must be made. But on the other hand change is no something easily accepted by everyone, especially if the thing that has to be changed is something that is very much tight to our hearts. The labour Party emblem is one of them, but before one argues that it has to remain the same one has to get in touch with certain important historical facts that characterize our present emblem.
When this emblem was designed it was made in a context in which our country had still been far away from secularization and we were also under colonial rule. This is shown by the yellow background in our emblem representing the allegiance of the party to the Pope and the blue background representing the allegiance to the British Crown. These are all out of date meanings which go against the very principles that today our party is exposing especially when dealing with the separation between church affairs and state affairs. Still the torch which still has great significance up to this date will remain there and so would the Maltese national flag. The new emblem will be chosen after wide consultation within the party structures and finally by the General Conference who would give the final decision on the new emblem chosen. This will all happen in the 90th anniversary celebrations that our party is going to hold next year.
Labour party has made a call for submissions of emblem designs to all those who are interested. These applications may be downloaded from www.mlp.org.mt
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